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noemienours Scandinavia tour + Picastro CAN, Danny Oxenberg USA

noemienours records Scandinavia tour + slow-core guests

noemienours + Picastro (Canada) + Danny Oxenberg (USA, from Supreme Dicks)
Entrance: 100 SEK

noemienours description:
Inspired in its early days by Nobel-prize winners Herta Müller or J.M. Coetzee's depiction and account of totalitarianism and segregation, noemienours developed through her work a criticism of anthropo-centrism, and of mankind's prejudiced entitlement, told through the sole point of view of bears, with a meditative horizon as possible overcoming of species-, class- and gender-wars.
Albeit its deep meaning is with no doubt far too deep for the usual barbaric male-centered music business and she might be evolving in a league of her own, her music still follows the same kind of sensitive line developed by musicians such as David Pajo (Slint, Papa M...) or Nicola Hodgkinson (Hood, New North Wales,...). The obsessive, unusually slow and thought-provoking nature of her music has also drawn comparisons to bands such as Earth, Grouper or Low. Although „bears (themselves) have better to do than performing shows“, noemienours, after several years of reclusive creative work and 3 DIY vinyl releases, will tour Scandinavia for the first time.

For Femman members only. To attend the show, a registration 24 hours in advance is necessary. It is possible to get the membership on the website directly or by contacting Kulturhuset Femman.